Sunday 25 September 2011


Hey people you know accidentally what I have found!!!!! TREASURE
Any Guess?

what did you say Aladdin's lamp?

 no no something more valuable that that!!!! Well scratch your head a bit .Still no answer?
The Truth Book!!!!!

You don't know truth book . Well its a book containing complete truth in it; written by our dearest Mr. S Akhatur Rawalpindi wale (THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY) .And when our dearest S.Akhatur Rawalpindi wale says anything or writes for that matter then its 100% truth. Hey I hope you have observed one thing at least ; When you will minutely observe you will find similar face of our beloved king SARISHCHANDRA  with S.Akhatur Rawalpindi wale (I believe in Reincarnation now ).

 Mr Rawalpindi wale  never ever ever ever ever lies (Hope V.Churchill is enjoying this line). See he himself agreed about Tempering (Ball tempering of course) & you all thought about tempering the cricket (shame shame!!!) you know  Our government so as to improve  relations with Mr.Akhatur's country(our great neighbor) has allowed the truth book as an instrument to vouch with while giving any testimonial in Indian courts.See Mr. Rawalpindi wale is trying to mend the differences between rival countries and thus walking on the path to NOBEL. (PEACE of course and you all thought about DYNAMITE !!!!! naa )

What you are saying? you also can have a copy of the book. Well people I called my copy treasure because it is unedited before print copy (the pre print draft) . I know some more truths than rest of world (of course excluding Mr. Rawalpindi wale). Well Don't worry I will share some with you.

1. Famous monkey gate you remember naa ,The Zostrelian Cricket Board agreed because of Mr. Akhatar has given testimonial  via teleconferencing (and not because of Sacchu's ) to save Karbhajansingh and thus he exposed TIE-MONKES---->.(that's y name is MONKEey gate)

2. Remember world cup six (sacchu shot). In reality it was spot fixing for six. It wasn't Sacchus quality it was mere spot fixing. Felt bitter? ("sacchai kadawi hi hoti hai).you can confirm it with Suleman BAT and  Md. mamir .
( come on people you thought about gagaruddin naa? wherever you see md. why you always think of gagaruddin? and besides there was and  never; is relation between fixing and gagaruddin. Gagaruddins relation is and only is with Shonogita Kijlani)

3. Remember the Stormy operation President "O-BOMB-A" authorised to kill " O.B.Law-then " ; for Final identification after DNA testing you can all guess who was called? ( as he was nearby and only true-spaker present in the country after General, " MOOH-CHUPA-RRAF "  has gone out of country.)

hey i m not going to tell you all truths , these three are enough for now. you wont stand all shocks at once.

Hey just got a news Mr.Rawalpindiwale is going to give testimonial in KASAI-B case. Beware KASAI-B.

P.S. Images of King Sarishchandra are available with D.Phakke Family.

Thursday 22 September 2011


          Recently we witnessed according to many learned people ( we are not included haha!!!!) the changes in world thinking. Well I daresay Mr. Hosni Mubarak , Our dearest Col Gaddafi  (hope i have spelled it right ) agree. Indeed the middle east is in evolution . The people in general are willing to take part in government more actively and they want direct representation of their will in the government decisions.And to surprise the word the tahir square revolution was a remarkable revolution in a way that  it was nearly a non violent one. Well Libiya was also going to be one such but our Col Gaddafi ( he addressed Mr. Obama as our dearest son in a letter !!) doesnt like to copy any other movement so Libiyan  movement turned to be non violent.
           Here in our country we have already found another Mahatma Gandhi ( this statement is part of the SMS sent by Mr. M.Tiwari To Mr. K.Sibbal). Anyways lets put the SMS apart; well the Delhi revolution or some may call Ram Lila ground revolution  was itself a indication of power of non violence and (MEDIA) too (hope Ram D. Baba drops idea of creating some Raksha force).
         We Indians(general population) were introduced to the non violence way by Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi.Such was a power of his non violence movement that British were thrown away and we are breathing a free air and in a position to express ourselves. Due to his non violence methods he was very famous in the world. The statement' of Albert Einstein on Mahatma Gandhi    ----  " Generations to come,it may be , will scarcely believe that such a one this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." speaks itself.   Even The Mahatma himself  has said   "When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always."
         People generally reagard peace , non violence; as a sign of cowardliness . Distantly it seems as it is but the non violence is the worlds bravest act. It takes courage to face bullets and preach non violence. The great Asoka accepted peace as he was the strongest. He never abandoned his army though he never attacked and provoked any country after he accepted non violence.Anna hajare's non violence movement have underlined the power of non violence and peace once again.
      Hope Uncle Sam , Uncle Suleman and uncle Lee are awake and listening. 
      And its my time of peace(sleep). Good night :-)


      Well don't be surprised at the heading " midnight thoughts ". Well you must be crazy; thinking at midnight. But well here it is as it is. Well its  not actually thinking but when i do try to end up my day and climb on bed then all these thoughts pop up into mind. Worries , current happenings , Future planning (rarely but do pop up) and along with all them I catch up the sleep.Mind u I get a very calm sleep.So here is a little start to pen these thoughts!!!!!
     I hope it goes well ......... well this was a first thought of penning it down ....... :-)  going to sleep now ...Good night.