Thursday 7 April 2011

War against corruption.

       Before country comes out of hangover of world cup win celebration, the news -  " Anna hazare announces fast till death for Lokpal Bill " took away most of the attention. Initially I thought; well nothing will happen out of this though Anaa's reputation is quite trustworthy and is credential due to his work( refer for his work) ; as the government is so deaf that it would not hear the voice of the  Gandhian or to the grater extent voice of the country.
     We the people of this country are in a way going through a very strange phase.Well from outside all looks very promising -'' India Shining" . But innermost we are afraid of whats going on around us. Common wealth scam, the 2G scam , S band , Aadarsh housing Society scam and god knows what will come out in near future?The world cup win in a way forced us to forget all this.As a common man we think " nothing will happen" ,also as a common man the ability to sacrifice is limited , the fear factor is high about everything be it social security , family , economy and all the things in the world. But some men come out of the crowd and have guts to say I mind to the wrong that is happening.This time the person is Anna Hazare and a few eminent personalities who backed him.
    The question arises where we all "common man" will be? As discussed earlier we have a very limited ability to sacrifice so its very important to be at the right side at the right time. Well looking at the current world incidences be it-' The Jasmine revolution,The tahir square revolution , Libya , Yemen and particular middle east regions eying for democracy' the time has come.But most importantly in Indian context the period of past few months saw the highest level of corruption in the country,I think that time has come .Corruption has rooted to our day to day life and is harming us to every possible field from birth at the hospital till few yards place in the great soil of our bharat maa after death.And we have supported this monster of corruption knowingly or unknowingly.Many of us because of we don't like to stand in queue have taken certificates from back door by offering money instantly.Many of us have taken admissions to courses though we didn't have enough marks by money. Many of us feel its like a status symbol to get work done by bribes quickly. All this has started by us and if we will think this it will stop by us only.Supporting people like Anna Hazare is good but this wont be enough the war against corruption starts from our own houses and backyards we have to stop encouraging it from grass root level then and then only the Lokpal bill has a meaning.
       Well for now full support to Anna ..................
        Be in it or not the war against corruption seems to have begun.Question remains where we "common man "will be? 

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