Sunday 11 December 2011

The Fire & The Sacrifice


 City of joy is crying due to a very unfortunate incident of the fire at a super specialty hospital  named "Advance Medical Research Institute (AMRI)". The incident brought back the nasty memories of "Uphar Cinema" tragedy, happened few years back at Delhi.  It is very hard to believe that super specialty hospital was not having fire safety and fire fighting mechanism.The fire was reported to have started at around 3.30 AM on the fatal day and it is very sad and outrageous to know that 1) fire fighting activity started around 6.00 AM. here , 2)The Security staff not allowed local residents residing nearby to fight the fire at initial stages , and 3) The hospital staff abandoned the helpless patients to choke to death !! The disaster management was such that that there was no helpline started to inform the relatives of patients about the current situation . The helpline was started after the CM came to the scene and that to after her order !!!! As is the case with every accident , the Govt has declared some compensation , a judicial enquirey . Well the law will take its own course and will punish the guilty but those unfortunate souls who died will never come back.It will be a real tribute to them if we learn from this tragedy. The government machinery needs to fire audit the projects.It needs to inspect various projects (schools , residential colonies / complex , malls , markets , offices , hospitals etc ) and do not stop at inspection only,rather it should make sure that the norms are complied with . 

                      Sometimes the very harsh and tough situations yields courage out of you. This was true about the two nurses (SISTER in true sense) from Kerala working at AMRI .The stain of abandoning the helpless patients to choke to death, put by the staff (of AMRI ) on a medical profession and humanity is somewhat washed by the brave act and supreme sacrifice of these two nurses P.K. Vineetha and Remya Rajan.They were posted at the female general ward which was housing nine patients.Remya Ranjan and P.K.Vineetha saved eight out of nine patients.After saving eight they again went to save the ninth and in the act succumbed to smoke and heat.
                          Remaya Rajan was from a poor family.Her father died five years ago.Her brother had got a job at dubai. Her studies was financed by education loan. Whereas Vineetha also hailing from a poor family was financial support of the family.  They both belonged to , Kottayam district of Kerala. Remaya hailed from Uzhavoor wheras Vineetha from Kothanallore.
                         These two could have stopped after say eighth patient , it would have been a great work still.But those two decided to save the ninth and last of the patients ,perfectly knowing the hazardous situation. They sacrificed there future , families hopes , families economy and their own life.They must have thought of all these things at the last choking moment of their life.And this makes it a Supreme Sacrifice.
We always will be in debt of your sacrifice sisters........

At least we people can write the WB Govt and Kerala Govt to at least make some arrangements for the families of the two and at least preserve the memories of the two.

Kerala CM id - /

Official Address :                                                                        Residential Address :
O/o The Chief Minister, North Block,                                       Puthuppally House,          
Government Secretariat,                                                           Jagathy,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala                                                   Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
PIN – 695 001                                                                              Phone:-  0471 – 2345600 / 2342602
Phone :-  0471 – 2333812  / 2333682


WB CM id-
 Writers Building,
  B B D Bagh, Kolkata,
  West Bengal, India

PS : Govt of India has preserved one such memory and  gives bravery awards every year in the name of Veer Bapu Gaydhani ; who in act of fire had saved children and again entered fire to save the cows and after saving cows,he died.

Friday 9 December 2011



          Couple of weeks back , " The slap " incident rocked the country . A very senior and respectable minister( Reader's Discretion is Advised ) was at receiving end. Receiving end of the frustration , hate , discomfort  and anarchy. The discomfort against government's in ability to do its work of " Well fare state ". Its a miracle that  UPA led government is still surviving and country is functioning though not as smooth as expected .
 The politicians are the people who catch the mood of public in no time. The incidence rocked this class the most. The thinking that the Slap incident is a work of some fanatic youth is an insult to public discomfort and public opinion against the current situation in the country.Every political party condemned the incidence and they are rightly so. Mr. Sharad Pawar is in public life for almost 50 years and he has done good job as a chief minister of Maharashtra(not as great as modi and to the other side not as good as Lalu also) .And most importantly his name never appeared in any of the scams exposed recently or at any time in his career ( Even Sonia , Rahul and Robert Vadera are said to be as beneficiaries of the scams Reference: Dr Swamy's articles 1.   2. ). His behavior after the incidence shows his character. But political class cant term the incident as an act of fanatic youth, they are failing to understand public anger. They should unite and condemn their in-effectiveness,corruption & failed administration. And try to work on "well fare state" policy as it is their job. Only then the slaps will be replaced by garlands and flowers or otherwise the situation may take a nasty turn.


         " Only one Slap? " was a natural reaction of a Gandhian (again Reader's Discretion is Advised) when was asked about the slap incidence .Shri Anna  later clarified his statement and after some days ; recently he justified the,"only one slap "statement in his blog ( Ref : ).

The reaction has drawn much criticization. Anna is having perfect right to express his views and we the people have right to express ours also. One cant force his/her views on another. Why we are so much frame bound?  that when anna expresses his views which crosses the frame of  "Gandhian theory " , we feel cheated and discomfort . His views cant be termed as a Gandhian thoughts but he himself expressed this view of his as a violence.We feel cheated because we general people have given the contract of cleaning the nation to people like anna, some NGOs , some social service workers etc . By doing so we are happy and feel like true citizen.And when at some instances these people seem to go off the line then our heart breaks.It should not be so.Let it be, here the issue is about Anna's statement and his changing stance.Well Mahatma Gandhi himself once said that "Whenever you find discrepancy in my two views then the view which is latest of the two is my stand."

The thoughts , the views are evolved as per the situation.But when we support the act of slapping the minister ,it may be said that we are indirectly supporting the naxalism . The difference is that naxalist have replaced slaps with guns. We should care about what we are wishing !!


                  26 jan 1950 is a golden day for all of us. The same day brought the democracy a reality in India. The same day brought Justice, Liberty,Equality and Fraternity to our lives.The common man became the stake holder of government.The Parliament became the symbol of hope and democracy to every indian. All along these years we saw the extraordinary work of parliament and extra-ordinary members of it. Like Barrister Nath Pai, Madhu Dandvate,Madhu Limaye ,Pilu Modi , Shamnandam Mishra , C.D.Deshmukh ,S.M Joshi, Pt Neharu , Atal Bihari Vajpayee. And in recent time members like Sushma Swaraj , Sharad Yadav are carrying on the good culture.
                The parliament is a place where country's future shapes up. It is the place where the laws are made , the policies are discussed and formed.It is the place where the the MP's as a collective unit exercise the control over government.And thus the Parliament in a true sense exercise democracy.
But whenever the Parliament is stalled,not allowed to function then its a waste of public money . And more than that it is threat to country's future.
               The frequent stallings of parliament now a days showing nature of political class in general.They are giving signal to population that there is no work left with government.The Government is not curious to work in parliament(may be it is afraid of opposition).FDI issue outlined this.People in the country are in dilemma because they are not having bright alternative.Its like choosing less corrupt over the hugely corrupt.

And for the very first time it is looking like democracy is melting down and not capable of serving the nation.And this is happening at a time when    autocratic /monarch governments of the other world are collapsing and these nations are moving in the direction of "DEMOCRACY".
The circle is turning......................